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Java Programming » IO » Random access files in Java
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: IO. No Comments on Random access files in Java

A random-access file is a file in which the user or programmer can read and write data to the file at any location (hence the name random) simultaneously. A random-access file behaves like a large array of bytes. To navigate through the file, there is a file pointer which can be moved to the desired location.

The RandomAccessFile in Java is a pre-defined class that belongs to package which allows the programmers to work with random access files. While moving the file pointer, if end of file is reached, it throws an EOFException. The constructors in RandomAccessFile class are given below:

Constructor Description
RandomAccessFile(File file, String mode) Creates a random-access file stream for reading and writing to the file based on the specified mode.
RandomAccessFile(String string, String mode) Creates a random-access file stream for reading and writing to the file based on the specified file name and mode.


Some of the methods available in the RandomAccessFile class are given below:

Method Description
void close() Closes the random-access file stream and releases any resources associated with it
int read Reads a byte of data from the file
int readInt() Reads a signed 32-bit integer from the file
String readUTF() Reads a string from the file
void seek(long pos) Sets the file pointer offset from the beginning of the file
void write(int b) Writes a specified byte to the file
long length() Returns the length of the file


Following Java program demonstrates reading and writing to a random-access file using the RandomAccessFile class:

public class RandomAccess
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
		RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("rand.txt", "rw");
		int size = (int)raf.length();
		System.out.println("File length = " + size + " bytes.");
		//Code for reading data from the file;
		byte[] data = new byte[size];;
		System.out.println("Content in the file = " + new String(data));
		//Code for writing data to the file;
		String s = "New piece of text.";


Output for the above program is:

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File length = 30 bytes.
Content in the file = sample line of text.


When you open rand.txt and see the content, it will be:

This is a sample line of text.New piece of text.


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