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Java Programming » IO » Object IO classes in Java
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: IO. No Comments on Object IO classes in Java

In Java we can store objects as a byte stream and store it in files or send it over a network. The process of converting an object to a byte stream is serialization and the reverse process of converting a byte stream to an object is called deserialization.

In Java programs, we can achieve serialization and deserialization by using the object I/O classes: ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream respectively. These classes are a part of package. The base class for both these classes is InputStream.


ObjectOutputStream class

The ObjectOuputStream class serializes an object into byte stream to store in a file or to send it through a network. Some of the often-used methods in this class are described in the below table:

Method Description
void writeObject(Object) Converts an object to byte stream
void writeBoolean(boolean) Converts a boolean to byte stream
void writeByte(byte) Converts a byte to byte stream
void writeChar(char) Converts a char to byte stream
void writeDouble(double) Converts a double to byte stream
void writeFloat(float) Converts a float to byte stream
void writeInt(int) Converts an int to byte stream
void writeLong(long) Converts a long to byte stream
void writeShort(short) Converts a short to byte stream


Following Java program uses ObjectOutputStream class for writing an object to a file. We will also use Serializable interface which allows an object to be serialized.

class Student implements Serializable
	int id;
	String name;
	Student(int id, String name)
	{ = id; = name;
	public String toString()
		return id + " - " + name;
public class Serialization
	public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception
		Student s = new Student(1, "Teja");
		ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("students.dat"));


The output for the above program is, details of the student are stored in the file students.dat.

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ObjectInputStream class

The ObjectInputStream class deserializes a byte stream from a file into object or primitive type data. Some of the often-used methods in this class are described in the below table:

Method Description
Object readObject() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an object
boolean writeBoolean() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an boolean
byte writeByte() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an byte
char writeChar() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an char
double writeDouble() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an double
float writeFloat() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an float
int writeInt() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an int
long writeLong() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an long
short writeShort() Reads a byte stream and converts it to an short


Following Java program uses ObjectInputStream class for reading a byte stream from a file and converting it into an object.

public class DeSerialization
	public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception
		ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("students.dat"));
		Student s = (Student) ois.readObject();


Output for the above program is:

1 – Teja


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