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Java Programming » Interfaces » Java Interfaces
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Interfaces. 1 Comment on Java Interfaces

In this article we will look at Java interfaces which are one of the powerful programming constructs which allows programmer to implement abstraction in Java programs. The advantage of an interface is, since interfaces are outside of Java class hierarchy, classes from different hierarchies can implement a common interface.


Interface Definition


An interface is a collection of method prototypes (method name followed by parameters list without any body). The syntax of a method prototype is as follows:


return-type  method-name(parameters-list);


An interface can contain only constants and method prototypes. The use of an interface is to abstract the class’ behavior from its definition. In this way an interface can specify a set of method prototypes which can be implemented by one or more classes.

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Differences between interface and a class

  • Objects can be created for classes, where as it is not possible for interfaces.
  • Classes can contain methods with body, where as it is not possible in interfaces.
  • Classes can contain variables, where as it is not possible in interfaces.
  • Some classes can be final, where as interfaces cannot be declared as final.
  • Some classes can be abstract, where as interfaces cannot be declared as abstract.
  • Various access specifiers like public or private or default can be applied to classes, where as only public or default access specifier is applicable for top-level interface.


Defining an Interface


The definition of an interface is very much similar to the definition of a class. The syntax for defining an interface is as follows:


interface  interface-name


return-type  method1(parameters-list);

return-type  method2(parameters-list);

data-type  variable-name1 = value;

data-type  variable-name2 = value;



Access specifier before interface keyword can be public or default (no specifier). All the methods inside an interface definition does not contain any body. They end with a semi-colon after the parameters list.


All variables declared inside an interface are by default final and static. All methods declared inside an interface are by default abstract and both variables as well as methods are implicitly public.


An example for Java interface is as follows:


public interface IMovable 
	void crawl();
	void run();
	void jump();


In the above example, IMovable is the interface name which contains three methods crawlrun and jump.


Implementing Interfaces


The methods declared in an interface definition must be implemented by the class which inherits that interface. This process of a class implementing the methods in an interface is known as implementing interfaces.


It is mandatory for a class to implement (provide body) all the methods available in an interface. Otherwise, if a class provides implementation for only some methods (partial implementation) then the class should be made abstract.


The methods of the interface must be declared as public in the class. Syntax for implementing an interface is as follows:


class ClassName implements InterfaceName


//Implementations of methods in the interface



Let’s consider two classes Animal and Person which implements the interface IMovable defined above:


abstract class Animal implements IMovable
	abstract void area();

class Person implements IMovable
	public void crawl()
		System.out.println("Person is crawling.");
	public void run() 
		System.out.println("Person is running.");
	public void jump() 
		System.out.println("Person is jumping.");

public class Driver 
	public static void main(String[] args) 
		Person ramesh = new Person();
		IMovable obj = ramesh;


In the above example, Person class provides implementation for methods in the interface IMovable.


Nested Interfaces


An interface which is declared inside a class or another interface is called a nested interface or a member interface. A nested interface can be declared as public, private or protected. Let’s look at an example of how to create and use a nested interface:


class A
	int x;
	public interface IA
		void method();

class B implements A.IA
	public void method()
		System.out.println("Method implemented successfully");

public class Driver 
	public static void main(String[] args) 
		A.IA obj = new B();


In the above example nested interface is IA. A fully qualified reference must be used (as in A.IA) to reference a nested interface outside the enclosing class or interface. The output of the above program is Method implemented successfully.


Applying Interfaces


The real power of interfaces lies in separating the specification of methods from their implementation in a class. Interfaces enables developers of classes to implement the methods using different algorithms of their choice.


A user can use any of the available implementations by simply creating an object of that class. An example demonstrating this use of interfaces is as shown below: (Interface)

public interface ISwap 
	void swap(int x, int y);
} (Uses a temporary variable to swap the two values)

public class SwapTemp implements ISwap
	public void swap(int x, int y)
		int temp;
		temp = x;
		x = y;
		y = temp;
		System.out.println("After interchange, x = " + x + ", y = " + y);
} (Doesn’t use any third variable to swap the two values)

public class SwapNoTemp implements ISwap
	public void swap(int x, int y)
		x = x + y;
		y = x - y;
		x = x - y;
		System.out.println("After interchange, x = " + x + ", y = " + y);
} (Main program)

public class Driver 
	public static void main(String[] args) 
		ISwap s = new SwapTemp();
		s.swap(10, 20);
		s = new SwapNoTemp();
		s.swap(10, 20);


The output of the above program is:


After interchange, x = 20, y = 10
After interchange, x = 20, y = 10


Note that there is no change in the output in the two calls. So, while making the above code public for users, only source file for the interface and the .class files of the two classes will be provided.


Variables in Java Interfaces


An interface can contain constants (final variables). A class that implements an interface containing constants can use them as if they were declared in the class. Example demonstrating constants in an interface is given below: (interface)

public interface IArea 
	double PI = 3.142;
} (Main program which implements the above interface)

public class Driver implements IArea
	public static void main(String[] args) 
		System.out.println("PI value is: " + PI);


In the above code the class implements the interface IArea and prints the value of the constant PI. Output of the above program is: PI value is: 3.142.


Extending Interfaces


Like classes, interfaces can also be extended to provide new functionality. Like classes, we use extends keyword for extending an interface. Syntax for extending an interface is given below:


interface NewInterface extends OldInterface


//Method prototypes here



Some people might think instead of creating a new interface and extending the existing interface, why can’t we include the new functionality in the existing interface directly? We can’t because the applications of people who are using the existing interface will break if new functionality is included. To avoid that we create a new interface.


All classes which implement the new interface must provide implementation for all the methods in the new interface plus for methods in its parent interface. Following example demonstrates extending an interface: (Parent interface)

public interface IArea 
	double PI = 3.142;
	void area();
} (Child interface)

public interface IAreaPeri extends IArea
	void peri();
} (Main program)

class Shape implements IAreaPeri
	public void area()
		System.out.println("Area of shape");
	public void peri()
		System.out.println("Perimeter of shape");

public class Driver
	public static void main(String[] args) 
		Shape s = new Shape();


In the above example, class Shape implements the interface IAreaPeri and provides implementation for both methods area() and peri(). Output of the above program is:


Area of shape
Perimeter of shape


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In java 8 we can define static and default methods in an interface

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