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Java Programming » IO » Input and Output in Java Programming
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: IO. No Comments on Input and Output in Java Programming

In this article we look at introduction to input and output in Java programming language.


Almost all programs in Java require some input which is processed by the program and generates some output. Java provides an API in the form of packages namely, and java.nio for dealing with I/O. Both these packages contain various classes which can be used to read and write data to various sources like a console, file, peripheral device, or a socket.


Java handles transfer of data in the form of streams. A stream is a flow of data which is composed of bytes. So, the data is transferred continuously as a flow. Java creates three streams automatically which are attached to the console. They are:

  • out: Standard output stream
  • in: Standard input stream
  • err: Standard error stream


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