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Home » Computer Science » Unix Programming » What is Unix?
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Unix Programming. No Comments on What is Unix?

In this article you will learn what is Unix and its features.


what is Unix



An operating system (OS) acts as an interface between computer hardware and the user. Unix is an example for operating system. Other examples of operating systems are MS-DOS, MS Windows, Linux, MAC OS X, Android, iOS, etc.


Unix is a multi-user and multi-tasking operating system used in super computers, mainframes, and other high-end servers. It is primarily commercial and now-a-days various derivatives of it are available for free download.


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Following are the features of Unix operating system:

  • Multi-tasking OS which allows a user to execute multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Multi-user OS which allows multiple users to login from different terminals into the same system (server) and perform their tasks.
  • It is portable. Most of the its source code was written using C language. Although it runs on specific hardware, with little to no changes we run it on other kinds of hardware.
  • It provides networking support. Users over a network can share data and email through servers running this operating system.
  • It is device independent and it treats all hardware devices as files.

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