In this article we will look at Thingspeak for IoT. We will see a brief overview of what is Thingspeak and what are its features for developing IoT solutions.
ThingSpeak is an IoT analytics platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize and analyze live data streams in the cloud. ThingSpeak provides instant visualizations of data posted by your devices to ThingSpeak. With the ability to execute MATLAB code in ThingSpeak you can perform online analysis and processing of the data as it comes in. ThingSpeak is often used for prototyping and proof of concept IoT systems that require analytics.
ThingSpeak features are as follows:
- Easily configure devices to send data to ThingSpeak using popular IoT protocols
- Visualize your sensor data in real-time
- Aggregate data on-demand from third-party sources
- Use the power of MATLAB to make sense of your IoT data
- Run your IoT analytics automatically based on schedules or events
- Prototype and build IoT systems without setting up servers or developing web software
- Automatically act on your data and communicate using third-party services like Twilio or Twitter

Suryateja Pericherla, at present is a Research Scholar (full-time Ph.D.) in the Dept. of Computer Science & Systems Engineering at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Previously worked as an Associate Professor in the Dept. of CSE at Vishnu Institute of Technology, India.
He has 11+ years of teaching experience and is an individual researcher whose research interests are Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Computer Security, Network Security and Blockchain.
He is a member of professional societies like IEEE, ACM, CSI and ISCA. He published several research papers which are indexed by SCIE, WoS, Scopus, Springer and others.
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