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Home » Programming » Python Programming » Operators in Python Programming
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Python Programming. No Comments on Operators in Python Programming

This article provides a comprehensive overview of operators in Python programming language along with relevant examples.


Following are different types of operators in Python:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Relational operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Membership operators
  • Identity operators


Arithmetic Operators


Following are various arithmetic operators available in Python:


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Operator Description Example
+ Add two operands x+y = 26
Subtract one operand from another x-y = 14
* Multiply one operand with another x*y = 120
/ Divide one operand with another x/y = 3.333
% Remainder of division between two operands x%y = 2
** x to the power of y x**y = 64000000
// Floor division. Removes decimal part after division. x//y = 3

Note: In above examples, x = 20 and y = 6


Relational Operators


Following are various relational operators available in Python:


Operator Description Example
= = Returns true if values of both operands are equal . Otherwise false. x==y is false
!= Returns true if values of both operands are not equal. Otherwise false. x!=y is true
< > Returns true if values of both operands are not equal. Otherwise false. x!=y is true
> Returns true if left operand is greater than the right operand. Otherwise false. x>y is true
< Returns true if left operand is less than the right operand. Otherwise false. x<y is false
>= Returns true if left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand. Otherwise false. x>=y is true
<= Returns true if left operand is less than or equal to the right operand. Otherwise false. x<=y is false

Note: In above examples, x = 20 and y = 6


Assignment Operators


Following are various assignment operators available in Python:


Operator Description Example
= Assigns value of right side operand to left side operand z=x; z=20
+= Adds operand on left side with operand on right side and assigns the value to left side operand. z+=x; z=20
-= Subtracts operand on right side with operand on left side and assigns the value to left side operand. z-=x; z=-20
*= Multiplies operand on left side with operand on right side and assigns the value to left side operand. z*=x; z=0
/= Divide operand on left side with operand on right side and assigns the value to left side operand. z/=x; z=0.0
%= Assigns remainder of division to left side operand. z%=x; z=0
**= Assigns left operand power right operand to left side operand. z**=x; z=0
//= Assigns result of floor division to left side operand. z//=x; z=0

Note: In above examples, x = 20 , y = 6, and z = 0


Bitwise Operators


Following are various bitwise operators available in Python:


Operator Description Example
& (and) Performs bit-wise and of both operands x&y = 1
| (or) Performs bit-wise or of both operands x|y = 5
^ (ex-or) Performs exclusive-or of both operands x^y = 4
~ Performs 1’s complement of the operand ~x = -6
<< Performs left shift of the left operand by n number of times x<<2 = 20
>> Performs right shift of the left operand by n number of times x>>1 = 2

Note: In above examples, x = 5 , y = 1


Logical Operators


Following are various logical operators available in Python:


Operator Description Example
and If  both left side and right side expressions are true, it returns true. Otherwise, false. True and True is True
or If either or both of left side and right side expressions are true, it returns true. Otherwise, false. True or False is True
not If expression evaluates to true, it returns false or if the expression evaluates to false, it returns true. not True is False


Membership Operators


Following are the membership operators available in Python:


Operator Description Example
in Evaluates to true if it finds a variable or value in the given sequence. Otherwise, it returns true. y in x is True
not in Evaluates to true if it doesn’t find a variable or value in the given sequence. Otherwise, it returns false. y not in x is False

Note: In above examples, x = [1,2,3,4,5,6] , y = 2


Identity Operators


Following are the identity operators available in Python:


Operator Description Example
is Evaluates to true if both the variables point to the same object in memory. x is y returns True
is not Evaluates to true if both the variables does not point to the same object in memory x is not y returns False

Note: In above examples, x = 10, y = x

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