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Home » Programming » C Programming » Input and Output in C Programming
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C Programming. No Comments on Input and Output in C Programming

In this article we will learn about input and output in C programming language. You will learn how to read data from keyboard and how to print text on to the console in C programming.


Reading Input from Keyboard


Another way of assigning values to variables besides directly assigning the value is reading values from the keyboard.


C provides scanf function in the stdio.h header file. Using this function we can read values from the keyboard and assign the values to variables. The syntax of scanf function is as shown below:



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The control string specifies the type of value to read from the keyboard and the ampersand symbol & is an operator to specify the address the variable(s). Example usage of scanf function is shown below:




Printing onto Screen


To print or output text onto the screen, we use printf function. Syntax of printf function is as shown below:




Example usage of printf function is shown below:





Following are the format specifiers or control strings available in C:


Data Type Format Specifier
int %d (or) %i
unsigned int %u
short int %hd
unsigned short int %hu
long int %ld
unsigned long int %lu
float %f (or) %e (or) %g
double %lf (or) %e (or) %g
long double %Lf
char %c
unsigned char %c
string %s


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