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Home » Exam Material » GATE » GATE 2017 CS Question Paper and Key
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: GATE. 6 Comments on GATE 2017 CS Question Paper and Key

Yesterday (February 11th) I wrote GATE examination in the afternoon session. Branch was Computer Science and Engineering (CS).


From my memory and from bits already available on Quora, I am sharing the question and answers of GATE 2017 CS examination conducted on February 11th in the afternoon session.


Note: All the questions provided here are not complete. I am sharing the parts of questions which I remember. Answers for the questions provided are from Quora link given above and some of them are what I had given in the exam. If you have any doubts in the answers, or if you think some answer is wrong, do comment in the comment section at the bottom of this page.


GATE 2017 CS Questions and Key for February 11th Afternoon Session

Aptitude Section

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1) Choose the pair from below which are not synonyms:

A: Yielding:Resistant

2) Venus is _______ to be seen at night with naked eye.

A: bright enough

3) What is the building in the middle? (Direction question)

A: V

4) Coding-Decoding problem:

A: D (I think the option was VD..)

5) Three boxes containing Apples, Oranges, Apples and Oranges…..

A: C (Apples and Oranges)

6) Cube of 30 digit number. Number starts with 4 and ends with 7.

A: 90

7) Contour graph (damn this is first time I was seeing this 🙁 ). Atmospheric pressure….

A: C (Region R)

8) Same color socks (probability question)

A: 4/15

Technical Section

1) Which of the following is true? (Compiler Design)

i) CLR is more powerful than SLR

ii) SLR is more powerful than LALR

iii) (Some false statement can’t remember)

A: I only (CLR is more powerful than SLR only)

2) Match the following: (Compiler Design)

A: Syntax tree->Semantic Analyzer, Character stream->Lexical Analyzer, Stream of tokens->Syntax Analyzer (Parser), Intermediate Code->Code Optimizer.

(I don’t remember what option it was. Above one is the answer.)

3) Consider the grammar given below. What is the grammar after removing left recursion? (Compiler Design)

A: C

(Grammar in the answer was: E->TX, X->-EX|e, T->FY, Y->+FY|e, F->(F)|id )

4) Given language L={w1aw2 | |w1|=2, |w2|>=3, w1,w2 belongs to {a,b}*}, what are the minimum no of FA states required? _____ (TOC)

A: 8

5) Given preorder traversal of a Binary Search Tree, what is the post order traversal? (C&DS, Algo)

A: B (2,……..,12)

6) A program containing n, n1, x=10. What is printed by printf(“%d”,n)__________ (C&DS, Algo)

A: 0

7) A program containing a function (int x, int y) and pointer *ptr. What is the output? _____ (C &DS, Algo)

A: 1 0

8) A program containing a string “GateCSIT2017”. What is the output? _____ (C&DS, Algo)

A: 2

9) A program containing two for loops. What is the output of printf(“%d”, array[3])? (C&DS, Algo)

A: 3

10) Implementing circular queue with linked list. (C&DS, Algo)

A: C (both I and II)

11) Time complexity T(n) = 2T (root n) +1 (C&DS, Algo)

A: O(logn)

12) Given program with two for loops. What is the time complexity? (C&DS, Algo)

A: O(nlogn)

13) Given following table, how many records need to be deleted for deleting the record <3,8>? (DBMS)

A: 0 (Since the foreign key is set to on delete set null, there is no need to delete any records)

14) Number of conflict serializable schedules? (DBMS)

A: 2

15) Question on ER diagram (DBMS)

A: C (many to one and total participation)

16) Query on selecting goals given a table of football players, county, and goals. (DBMS)

A: 7

17) Huffman coding average length (CN)

A: 2.25

18) Error detection and correction (CN)

A: A (3, 1)

19) Question on transmission delay and propagation delay (CN)

A: D (400, 100)

20) Distance vector and link state (CN)


21) UDP socket API (CN)


22) Maximum no.of IPs that can be transmitted in the TCP header? (CN)


23) Integration (Maths)

A: C (4/pi, 0)

24) Highest eigen value (Maths)

A: 5

25) Given two matrices P and Q, what is the rank of matrix P+Q? (Maths)

A: 2

26) Poison distribution (Maths)


27) Bayes theorem (Maths)


28) Maximum no of vertices with degree at least three (Maths)

A: 16

29) equation e^x + 0.5 x^2 -2 =0 (Maths)

A: 2

30) Question on propositional logic. It is raining…  (Maths)

A: B ((-p^q)^(p^q->r))

I don’t exactly remember what was option B, answer is option B.

31) Average waiting time using preemptive priority algorithm ___ (OS)

A: 29

32) Question on deadlocks. Given allocation and max need data choose the correct option. (OS)

A: C (safe and no deadlock)

33) What does thread share in common? (OS)

A: C (Address space only)

34) Floating point number IEEE format (DLD)

A: 2.43×10-1

35) Question on flip-flop (DLD)

A: B

36) Minimization (POS/SOP) (DLD)

A: A

37) Question on pipeline (CO)


38) 3 level cache. What are the miss ratios of L1 and L2? (CO)

A: D

39) Number of bits in tag field of direct mapped cache____ (CO)

A: 18

40) Hex to Octal (CO)

A: D (13…1)

41) Roots given 5 and 6. Find base?

A: 8

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do you have the data for os question .My total waiting time came of all process including got 139.and the process which completed last had the completion time of 65.Whether it matches with yours or not or else let us provide the data

    I don’t have the data. Lets wait for IIT Roorkee to release the question paper and key. 🙂

The question which you said was
11) Time complexity T(n) = 2T (root n) +1 (C&DS, Algo)

A: O(logn)
but I think the question was T(n) = T(root n) + 1
and Answer will be loglogn
Soln:- let n = 2^m therfore m = logn ——– (1)
then T(m/2) + 1
using master theorom
a = 1 ,b = 2 , k = 0(n^0 = 1) , p = 0
if a = b^k i.e 1 = 2^0 = 1
then if p > = -1
then T(m) = n^log a base b * log^(p+1)m
substituting values = n^log 1 base 2 * log^(0+1)m
= n^0 * log^1m
= logm
putting value of m from equation (1)
= loglogn

And also for question of Os for scheduling from priority queue
the answer might me 27.8

    For the time complexity question, I am not sure of the answer. But for preemptive priority algorithm, answer is 29. I am sure.

    my answer for preemptive priority scheduling was 29.6. Is it correct sir.

    Well I double checked the whole process. Both of them gave me 29. Anyhow lets wait for the original key which will be released on Feb 27.

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