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Home » Programming » Python Programming » Features of Python Programming Language
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In this article we will learn about different features of Python programming language that made this programming language popular.


A lot of beginners wonder why Python is popular now-a-days. The answer to that question is due to its various features. Also it is important to know why do we have to choose Python as a programming language when there are so many other language out there. Following are some of the features of Python language:


Object Oriented and Functional

Python is an object-oriented language, from the ground up. Its class model supports advanced notions such as polymorphism, operator overloading, and multiple inheritance; yet, in the context of Python’s simple syntax and typing, OOP is remarkably easy to apply. Much like C++, Python supports both procedural and object-oriented programming modes.


Python in recent years has acquired built-in support for functional programming—a set that by most measures includes generators, comprehensions, closures, maps, decorators, anonymous function lambdas, and first-class function objects.

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Python is completely free to use and distribute. As with other open source software, such as Tcl, Perl, Linux, and Apache, you can fetch the entire Python system’s source code for free on the Internet. There are no restrictions on copying it, embedding it in your systems, or shipping it with your products. In fact, you can even sell Python’s source code, if you are so inclined.



The standard implementation of Python is written in portable ANSI C, and it compiles and runs on virtually every major platform currently in use. For example, Python programs run today on everything from PDAs to supercomputers.



Python provides all the simplicity and ease of use of a scripting language, along with more advanced software-engineering tools typically found in compiled languages. Unlike some scripting languages, this combination makes Python useful for large-scale development projects. Some of the reasons why Python is powerful are: dynamic typing, automatic memory management, built-in object types, etc.



Python programs can easily be combined with components written in other languages in a variety of ways. For example, Python’s C API lets C programs call and be called by Python programs flexibly. That means you can add functionality to the Python system as needed, and use Python programs within other environments or systems.


Easy to Use

Compared to alternatives like C++, Java, and C#, Python programming seems astonishingly simple to most observers. To run a Python program, you simply type it and run it. There are no intermediate compile and link steps, like there are for languages such as C or C++.


Python programs are relatively 2 to 10 times lesser in size when compared to the same programs written in contemporary languages like C, C++, and Java. We can focus more on logic of the program than on the other supporting stuff that is need to run the programs.


Easy to Learn

When compared to other widely used programming languages, the core Python language is remarkably easy to learn. In fact, if you’re an experienced programmer, you can expect to be coding small-scale Python programs in a matter of days, and may be able to pick up some limited portions of the language in just hours.


Go back to introduction to python programming.

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