This article provides a comprehensive overview of exception handling in C++ programming language along with example programs.
Contents [hide]
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Exception Handling
- 3 Multiple Catch Statements
- 4 Catch All Exceptions
- 5 Rethrowing an Exception
- 6 Throwing Exceptions in Function Definition
- 7 Throwing Exceptions of Class Type
- 8 Exception Handling and Inheritance
- 9 Exceptions in Constructors and Destructors
- 10 Advantages of Exception Handling
In programming, it is common for programmers to make mistakes which leads to abnormal conditions called as errors. In general, these errors are of three types: 1) Syntax errors, 2) Logical errors, and 3) Run-time errors.
Syntax errors are most frequent type of errors. For example, if we forget to place a semi-colon, it is a syntax error. Logical errors arise when programmer performs a mistake in the logic of a program. For example, in addition of two numbers program, if the programmers places a minus instead of plus, it is a logical error. These are very hard to detect.
The last category of errors are the errors which occur while executing the program. These errors are known as run-time errors or exceptions. Exceptions are of two types: 1) Synchronous, and 2) Asynchronous.
Synchronous exceptions are the run-time exceptions which occur due to the code written by the programmer and they can be handled by the programmer. Asynchronous exceptions are run-time exceptions which occur due to code outside the program.
For example, if no memory is available in the RAM, it will lead to out of memory error which is an asynchronous exception. Such asynchronous exceptions cannot be handled. Errors in programs can be illustrated as shown below:
Exception Handling
Handling synchronous exceptions is known as exception handling. Exception handling deals with detecting run-time exceptions and reporting it to the user for taking appropriate action. C++ provides try, catch, and throw elements for handling exceptions.
A try block contains code which might raise exceptions. Syntax of try block is as follows:
A catch block contains code for handling exceptions that may raise in the try block. Syntax of catch block is as follows:
The throw clause is used to throw an exception which will be caught by the catch block. Syntax of throw clause is as follows:
Following program handles divide by zero exception:
Note: If an exception arises and there is no catch block to handle that exceptions, terminate() function will execute which in turn calls abort() function and the execution of program stops abruptly.
Multiple Catch Statements
A try block can be associated with more than one catch block. Multiple catch statements can follow a try block to handle multiple exceptions. The first catch block that matches the exception type will execute and the control shifts to next statement after all the available catch blocks.
A try block should be followed by at least one catch block. If non catch block matches with the exception, then terminate() function will execute. Following program demonstrates handling multiple exceptions using multiple catch statements:
Catch All Exceptions
While writing programs if the programmer doesn’t know what kind of exception the program might raise, the catch all block can be used. It is used to catch any kind of exception. Syntax of catch all block is as follows:
While writing multiple catch statements care should be taken such that a catch all block should be written as a last block in the catch block sequence. If it is written first in the sequence, other catch blocks will never be executed. Following program demonstrates catch all block:
Rethrowing an Exception
In C++ if a function or a nested try-block does not want to handle an exception, it can rethrow that exception to the function or the outer try-block to handle that exception. Syntax for rethrowing and exception is as follows:
Following program demonstrates rethrowing and exception to outer try-catch block:
In the above program we can see that the exception is raised in the inner try block. The catch all block catches the exception and is rethrowing it to the outer try-catch block where it got handled.
Throwing Exceptions in Function Definition
A function can declare what type of exceptions it might throw. Syntax for declaring the exceptions that a function throws is as follows:
Following program demonstrates throwing exceptions in a function definition:
In the above program the sum() function can throw an exception of type int. So, the calling function must provide a catch block for exception of type int.
Throwing Exceptions of Class Type
Instead of throwing exceptions of pre-defined types like int, float, char, etc., we can create classes and throw those class types as exceptions. Empty classes are particularly useful in exception handling. Following program demonstrates throwing class types as exceptions:
In the above program ZeroError is an empty class created for handling exception.
Exception Handling and Inheritance
In inheritance, while throwing exceptions of derived classes, care should be taken that catch blocks with base type should be written after the catch block with derived type. Otherwise, the catch block with base type catches the exceptions of derived class types too. Consider the following example:
You can see that in the above program even though the exception thrown is of the type Derived it is caught by the catch block of the type Base. To avoid that we have to write the catch block of Base type at last in the sequence as follows:
Exceptions in Constructors and Destructors
It is possible that exceptions might raise in a constructor or destructors. If an exception is raised in a constructor, memory might be allocated to some data members and might not be allocated for others. This might lead to memory leakage problem as the program stops and the memory for data members stays alive in the RAM.
Similarly, when an exception is raised in a destructor, memory might not be deallocated which may again lead to memory leakage problem. So, it is better to provide exception handling within the constructor and destructor to avoid such problems. Following program demonstrates handling exceptions in a constructor and destructor:
Advantages of Exception Handling
Following are the advantages of exception handling:
- Exception handling helps programmers to create reliable systems.
- Exception handling separates the exception handling code from the main logic of program.
- Exceptions can be handled outside of the regular code by throwing the exceptions from a function definition or by re-throwing an exception.
- Functions can handle only the exceptions they choose i.e., a function can throw many exceptions, but may choose handle only some of them.
A program with exception handling will not stop abruptly. It terminates gracefully by giving appropriate message.

Suryateja Pericherla, at present is a Research Scholar (full-time Ph.D.) in the Dept. of Computer Science & Systems Engineering at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Previously worked as an Associate Professor in the Dept. of CSE at Vishnu Institute of Technology, India.
He has 11+ years of teaching experience and is an individual researcher whose research interests are Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Computer Security, Network Security and Blockchain.
He is a member of professional societies like IEEE, ACM, CSI and ISCA. He published several research papers which are indexed by SCIE, WoS, Scopus, Springer and others.
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