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Home » Computer Science » DCCN Lab » DCCN lab programs and tutorial videos
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This article provides links to all DCCN lab programs. Many of the lab programs are provided with textual links as well as video links to support a wide range of audience.


Software required to conduct/perform DCCN lab experiments are Cisco Packet Tracer (CPT), Java and Network Simulator 2 (NS2).


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List of DCCN lab experiments

1. Study of different types of network cables and practically implement the cross-wired cable and straight through cable using clamping tool.

Web link:

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Cisco Packet Tracer Overview

Web link:

Video link: Downloading and Installing Cisco Packet Tracer

Video link: Cisco Packet Tracer Interface Explanation


2. Connect the computers in Local Area Network.

Web link:

Video link: Connecting two PCs in a LAN using Cisco Packet Tracer

Video link: Creating a LAN using a Hub in Cisco Packet Tracer

Video link: Creating a LAN using a Switch in Cisco Packet Tracer


3. Study of basic network commands and network configuration commands.

Web link:

Video link: Networking Commands ping, traceroute, nslookup, and pathping

Video link: Configuring a Router using CLI in Cisco Packet Tracer

Video link: Configuring a Router using GUI in Cisco Packet Tracer

Video link: Using ping Command for Troubleshooting in Cisco Packet Tracer


4. Configure a network topology using packet tracer software.

Web link:

Video link: Creating a Topology using a Router in Cisco Packet Tracer

Video link: Configuring DHCP on a Server in Cisco Packet Tracer

Video link: Configuring DHCP on Router in Cisco Packet Tracer


5. Implementation of Error Detection / Error Correction Techniques.

Web link:

Video link: Introduction to Errors in Computer Networks

Video link: Error Detection and Error Correction Techniques in Computer Networks

Video link: Java Program for Parity Error Detection Technique

Video link: Java Program for Checksum Error Detection Technique


6. Study of Socket Programming and Client – Server model using java.

Web link:

Video link: Client Server Communication and Socket Programming

Video link: Java Program for Socket Programming


7. Write a socket Program for Echo/Ping/Talk commands using java.

Web link:

Video link: Implementing Ping Command using Java Programming


8. Implementation of High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC).

Web link:

Video link: Demonstrate HDLC Protocol using Cisco Packet Tracer


9. Implementation of Stop and Wait Protocol.

Web link:


10. Implementation and study of Goback-N and Selective Repeat protocols.

Web link:


11. Implementation of Distance Vector Routing (DVR) algorithm.

Web link:


12. Implementation of Link State Routing (LSR) algorithm.

Web link:


13. Study of Network simulator (NS) and simulation of Congestion Control Algorithms using NS2.

Web link:

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