Welcome to the cybersecurity tutorial for beginners created by startertutorials.com. Cybersecurity is one of the buzzwords in the industry and is one of the premier technologies now-a-days. Cybersecurity plays a key role in different sectors like health, defense, government, education, retail, etc. The salary received by cybersecurity professionals is on par and even higher when compared to other software related jobs.
Watch this video to learn about the importance of cyber security:
This cybersecurity tutorial for beginners has been created for people having zero knowledge about cybersecurity. In this cybersecurity tutorial we start with basic concepts and then gradually move towards different techniques used by hackers and also touch up on the law and digital forensics concepts. Countermeasures for most of the methods/techniques are also provided.
Watch this video for introduction to cyber security:
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Note: Entire cybersecurity tutorial for beginners is divided into several sections. Each section contains related concepts. All the sections are available below and on the left side (for PC and laptop users) of the webpage to quickly navigate between them.
Note: This cybersecurity tutorial is purely theory-oriented. No practical demonstrations or tools are discussed in this tutorial. Another course which demonstrates tools and techniques used in cybersecurity domain will be created in near future.
Attack Techniques (Threats)
- Social Engineering Techniques
- Cyberstalking
- Botnets
- Attack Vector
- Cloud Computing Risks
- Proxy Servers and Anonymizers
- Phishing Attack
- Password Cracking Techniques
- Keyloggers
- Types of Malware
- Steganography
- DoS and DDoS Attacks
- SQL Injection Attack
- Buffer Overflow Attack
- Attacks on Wireless Networks
- Identity Theft
Digital Forensics
- Introduction to Digital Forensics
- The Need for Computer Forensics
- Cyberforensics and Digital Evidence
- Forensic Analysis of E-Mail
- Digital Forensics Life Cycle
- Network Forensics
- Approaching a Computer Forensics Investigation
- Forensics and Social Networking Sites
- Challenges in Computer Forensics
- Forensics Auditing
- Antiforensics
Note: Resources provided here are only for individual study. They are not to be reprinted and sold outside.
You can download and use the following Cybersecurity PDFs/PPTs for personal use:
- Introduction to Cybercrime PDF Download
- Cyber Offenses – How Criminals Plan Them PDF Download
- Cybercrime: Mobile and Wireless Devices PDF Download
- Tools and Methods used in Cybercrime PDF Download
- Understanding Computer Forensics PDF Download
Note: This tutorial is mainly based on the textbook: “Cyber security: Understanding cyber crimes, computer forensics and legal perspectives – Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapure, Wiley.”

Suryateja Pericherla, at present is a Research Scholar (full-time Ph.D.) in the Dept. of Computer Science & Systems Engineering at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Previously worked as an Associate Professor in the Dept. of CSE at Vishnu Institute of Technology, India.
He has 11+ years of teaching experience and is an individual researcher whose research interests are Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Computer Security, Network Security and Blockchain.
He is a member of professional societies like IEEE, ACM, CSI and ISCA. He published several research papers which are indexed by SCIE, WoS, Scopus, Springer and others.
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