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Home » Security and Hacking » Botnets in Cybersecurity
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Security and Hacking. No Comments on Botnets in Cybersecurity

In this article we will look at what are botnets, life cycle of a botnet and different countermeasures against botnets.


What are Botnets?

Bot refers to an automated program for performing a task, often over a network. Botnet refers to a collection of bots. Botnets are often used to perform malicious activities like distributing spam and spread viruses to conduct Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. A botnet is a network of computers infected with a malicious program that allows cybercriminals to control the infected machines remotely without the users’ knowledge.


Watch this video to learn about botnets and DDoS attacks:


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Botnet Lifecycle

The life cycle of a botnet is as shown below:


Lifecycle of Botnets


Countermeasures against Botnets

Countermeasures against becoming a part of botnet:

  • Use antivirus and anti-spyware software and update them regularly
  • Download an install OS related security patches
  • Turn-on the firewall
  • Disconnect Internet when not needed
  • Download freeware only from trusted sites
  • Take precautions immediately if the system gets infected


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