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Home » Computer Science » Blockchain » Bitcoin Blockchain
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Blockchain. No Comments on Bitcoin Blockchain

Blockchain is a public ledger of a timestamped, ordered, and immutable list of all transactions on the Bitcoin network.


Each block is identified by a hash in the chain and is linked to its previous block by referencing the previous block’s hash.


In the following table structure of a block is presented, followed by a detailed diagram that provides a detailed view of the blockchain structure.


The Structure of a Block

The following table shows the structure of a block:

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Field Size Description
Block size 1 MB This is the size of the block
Block header 80 bytes This includes fields from the block header
Transaction counter Variable This field contains the total number of transactions in the block, including the coinbase transaction. Size ranges from 1-9 bytes.
Transactions Variable All transaction in the block



The Structure of a Block Header

The following table depicts the structure of a block header:

Field Size Description
Version 4 bytes The block version number that dictates the block validation rules to follow
Previous block header hash 32 bytes This is a double SHA-256 hash of the previous block’s header
Merkle root hash 32 bytes This is a double SHA-256 hash of the Merkle tree of all transactions included in the block
Timestamp 4 bytes This field contains the approximate creation time of the block. More precisely, this is the time when the miner has started hashing the header.
Target 4 bytes This is the current difficulty target of the network/block
Nonce 4 bytes This is an arbitrary number that miners change repeatedly to produce a hash that is lower than the difficulty target


As shown in the following diagram, blockchain is a chain of blocks where each block is linked to its previous block by referencing the previous block header’s hash.

bitcoin blockchain structure


This linking makes sure that no transaction can be modified unless the block that records it and all blocks that follow it are also modified.


The first block is not linked to any previous block and is known as the genesis block.


The Genesis Block

This is the first block in the Bitcoin blockchain.


The genesis block was hardcoded in the bitcoin core software.


Bitcoin provides protection against double spending by enforcing strict rules on transaction verification and via mining.


Transactions and blocks are added in the blockchain only after strict rule checking.

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