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AJWT » Lab Exercises » Week 2 Lab Exercise
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Lab Exercises. No Comments on Week 2 Lab Exercise

In week 2 lab exercise, students will gain exposure or practical knowledge on using HTML to create web pages.



Student should complete the below tasks in this week’s lab session.


Task 1

Design the following pages required for a online book store website:

1) Homepage:

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The static homepage must contain three frames.

Top frame: This frame should contain logo and college name followed by links to Homepage, Login page, Registration page, Catalogue page and Cart page.

Left frame: Atleast four links for navigation, which when clicked displays the respective catalogue page in the right frame.

Right frame: The pages to the links in the left frame must be loaded in this frame. Initially, this frame contains the description of the web site.



2) Login page:

This page looks like below:



3) Catalogue Page:

The catalogue page should contain the details of all the books available in the website in a table.

The details should contain the following:

  1. Snapshot of the cover page
  2. Author name
  3. Publisher
  4. Price
  5. Add to Cart button



Other Resources

Images necessary for this exercise – Download Here



  1. For the Homepage you can use nested frames concept. In the top frame use a table to arrange the image, website name and the five hyperlinks.
  2. For the login page you can use a table to align the controls.
  3. For the catalogue page use a table to display the content.
  4. To display the content in the right frame, assign a name to the right frame and use that name in the target attribute of the anchor (<a>) tag.

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