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AJWT » Lab Exercises » Problem Set 1
Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Lab Exercises. No Comments on Problem Set 1

This problem set 1 aims to test the knowledge of a student at reading English and understand it to solve the questions given.


Read the below paragraph and answer the following questions:

Web browsers and web servers are the communicating client-server programs for distributing documents and information, generally known as web data, over the Internet (Interconnected Network). Web data is marked up using HTML language for presentation and interaction with people in web browsers. Each web server uses an IP along with a port number or a domain name for its identification.

1.   Before the above paragraph it is mentioned that “Read the below paragraph”. Why do you think that the above block of text is a paragraph?

2.   In the above paragraph, the text is aligned in a uniform manner along the border of the page. What is the name of such property in MS Word?

3.   How do you emphasize (give importance) the words “marked up” in the above paragraph if you need to?

4.   How can you manually specify below block of text as a paragraph? Give an example.

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HTML is a markup language used for creating web pages. HTML is derived from SGML. HTML is used for formatting web pages while CSS is used for styling web pages.

5.   Underline the words “IP along with a port number or a domain name” and rewrite the last sentence in the above paragraph.

6.   How do you represent a heading? How can you differentiate it from normal text?

7.   Write a one page resume (sample) in your notebook. Mention the different sections (headings) you would write in your resume.

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