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AJWT » HTML » HTML Values and Units
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HTML Syntax


The basic syntactic units in any HTML document are: tags, elements and attributes. HTML describes information in a web document with the help of tags, which provide a way for marking the text. The syntax of a tag is shown below:


< tag-name > 


For example, using HTML, we can display paragraphs in a web document using the <p> tag. Every browser will have default presentation effects for each tag. Almost all of the tags are written in pairs (a opening tag and a closing tag) as shown below:


< tag-name > content here…. </ tag-name > 


In HTML, the content in a web document is described using the tags. The collection of content and the enclosing tags is known as an element. For example, a paragraph element looks as shown below:

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<p> This is a paragraph… </p> 


In general, all tags in HTML support attributes using which additional information is specified to the browser to render the content of the element. For example, an old way of aligning the text in a paragraph to the center of the document is shown below:


<p align=”center”>This is a paragraph…</p> 


In the above example, align is the attribute-name and center is its value. General syntax for writing attributes is:


attribute-name = “value”

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