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AJWT » Mid Papers » AJWT mid 1 descriptive exam paper
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AJWT descriptive paper for academic year 2013-14


a) What is HTML? What are differences between HTML and HTTP? What are the essential or fundamental HTML tags in a web page? [5]

b) Create a web page using frames which contains two columns. The left frame contains five hyperlinks namely: books, pens, watches, bags and shoes. When the user clicks on a link (for example books) in the left frame, a webpage should load in the right frame which contains details about the items like book cover image, book publisher name, book price and add to cart button for books category. Initially, display a welcome page in the right frame. [5]



a) What is CSS? What are the differences between HTML and CSS? What are the different ways for specifying CSS in developing web pages? [5]

b) Create a webpage which contains a table for displaying your personal details like name, age, father name, mobile no, address, branch, email and gender. Follow the below requirements:

i. Display your picture in the top right corner of the web page as a background image.

ii. Display the table header background in red color and the text in white color.

iii. Display email row in bold font.

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iv. Table should have a dashed, 1px width, grey color border.

Use only external CSS to specify the styling information in the above webpage. [5]



a) What is javascript? What is the use of javascript in webpages? How to specify javascript in the webpage? [5]

b) Create a webpage containing a registration form which contains fields like name, email, gender and address. Use javascript to validate the following:

i. Name field must contain atleast 10 characters.

ii. Email must be given in a correct format.

iii. Address field must not be empty. [5]



a) What is PHP? How is it different from javascript? Write a short note on different operators in PHP. [5]

b) Write PHP code to validate username and password provided by a user along with the HTML code for displaying the login form. [5]

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