Starter Tutorials

A tutorial site for beginners!

Advertise with Startertutorials has decided to sell the available ad space to advertisers directly. First let's see some analytics for the past 30 days based on Google Analytics (GA4) reports.


Traffic Details

The below snapshots were taken on August 27th 2024. First let's see the overall visitors, sessions and page views.

Startertutorials GA4 Overall Statistics

Now, let's see the top countires from which the visitors are coming to Well majority of the traffic is from India followed by USA and other Asian countries.

Startertutorials GA4 Countries List

Right now works only with Google AdSense to sell the ad space. We all know that AdSense doesn't pay well for Asian traffic, especially for Indian traffic. That is why the ad space is being sold directly without any mediators/platforms.


Ad Slots Available

There are several ad slots/ad sapces where you can advertise. The following ad slots are available:

  • Header banner
  • In content banner (after 20% of the content)
  • In content banner (after 40% of the content)
  • In content banner (after 60% of the content)
  • Left sidebar banner
  • Right sidebar banner
  • Footer banner

Sample page:

Based on the Adsense reports, the best performing ad slot is the banner displayed after 20% of the content. Please not that the in content banners must be less than 468px in width and the sidebar banners must be less than 250px in width.


Advertising Cost

Following is the slot-wise advertising cost (per month):

  • Header banner - $20
  • In content banner (after 20% of the content) - $30
  • In content banner (after 40% of the content) - $20
  • In content banner (after 60% of the content) - $10
  • Left sidebar banner - $10
  • Right sidebar banner - $10
  • Footer banner - $5

For long-term advertising contact me. 20% discount (on total amount) is available.


How to Purchase?

Send an email to with the site/URL you want to advertise and also which ad slot you want to purchase. The subject/title of the email should be "Advertsing Inquiry".


Allowed Sites

All websites except the ones that belong to the following catgeories are not allowed for advertising:

  • Sex
  • Erotic
  • Drugs
  • Violence
  • Smoking/Drinking
  • Casino

Note that the above list is not exhaustive. The target website can be disallowed at the time of purchase if it is not deemed appropriate to the audience of

Affiliate banners that doesn't fall under the above categories are also allowed.


Benefits of Advertising

Following are the benefits of advertising on

  • Reach a wide audience (mainly from Asian countries)
  • Get a link (do follow) from one of the popular websites
  • Get a Moz DA 18 and Ahrefs DR 16 link
  • Affordable prices when compared to advertising on advertising platforms
  • No mediators