Welcome to Core Java tutorial for beginners created and developed by Starter Tutorials.
What is java?
Java is a high-level object oriented programming language and computing platform developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995.
With more than 9 million developers worldwide, java enables us to develop and deploy applications and services.
From laptops to data centers, game consoles to super computers and cell phones to the Internet, java is everywhere.
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Frequently asked Java question and answers for interviews: Java Q&A
Why Choose java?
Although there are many reasons why a software developer choose java, below are some of the popular reasons:
- Develop software on one platform and deploy it on virtually any other platform.
- Create programs that can run in a web browser and access available web services.
- Develop server-side applications like online stores, polls, image galleries, form processing and more.
- Create powerful applications for mobile phones and other embedded devices.
More details about java are available here.
Who invented Java?
Java was designed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. It was released in May 1995 as a core component of Sun’s Java platform.

James Arthur Gosling is a Canadian computer scientist, best known as the founder and lead designer behind the Java programming language.
What should I know before moving further?
Although no technical details about programming languages are needed, you should have knowledge regarding basic concepts like what is a program, programming, use of programming languages etc.
This java tutorial is built in such way that it allows beginners or starters to understand every concept with as less effort as needed.
Although no knowledge is required regarding other programming languages, familiarity with C or C++ allows you to learn the java concepts faster.
Intended Audience
This java tutorial is intended for beginners or starters who are new to java.
It will also act as a guide for novice programmers and experienced programmers to recollect the use of various core concepts in Java.
How to learn core java programming?
You can learn core java concepts which are the basic or core for all advanced java technologies.
Start your learning journey with the object orientation concepts and then moving on towards java specific basic concepts given below:
Java basic topics
- Object Orientation Basics
- Object Orientation Principles
- Overview of Java Basics
- Java Virtual Machine
- Structure of a Java program
- Classes and Objects
- Comments
- Variables
- Data types
- Literals
- Scope and life time of variables
- Methods
- Operators
- Type conversion and Casting
- Expressions
- Control Statements
- Arrays
- Constructors
- Overloading
- Parameter Passing
- Access Control
- this Keyword
- static Keyword
- final Keyword
- Garbage Collection
- Recursion
- Command Line Arguments
- Variable-Length Arguments (Varargs)
- Nested Classes
- Strings
- Overview of Inheritance
- Types of Inheritance
- super Keyword
- Constructors in Inheritance
- Method Overriding
- Dynamic Method Dispatch
- abstract Keyword
- final Keyword
- Object class
- Interfaces
- Packages
As you are comfortable with basic concepts of java, now you can dive into more advanced concepts in core java given below:
Java advanced topics
- Exception Handling Overview
- try and catch Blocks
- throw throws and finally
- User Defined Exceptions
- Assertions
- Mutlithreading Overview
- Creating Threads
- Thread Class Methods
- Thread Priorities
- Thread States
- Daemon Threads
- Thread Groups
- Synchronization
- Inter Thread Communication
- Java IO Basics
- Introduction to IO
- Byte Stream Classes
- Character Stream Classes
- Reading Data from a File
- Writing Data to a File
- Object IO Classes
- Random Access Files
- Applets Overview
- Applet Life Cycle
- Applet Class
- Passing Parameters to Applets
- Applet Tag
- Event Handling Overview
- Event Listener Interfaces
- Using Delegation Event Model
- Adapter Classes
- Inner Classes
- Introduction to AWT
- Graphics in AWT
- AWT Controls
- Layout Managers
- Introduction to Swing
- Swing Controls
- Introduction to JDBC
- Types of JDBC drivers
- JDBC implementation steps
- Display data from table
- Update data in table
- Delete data in table
- ResultSetMetaData interface
Java Resources
All resources for Java Programming course are available.
Resources like notes, lab exercises and solutions, PPTs, previous year question papers, assignments, handouts, mid papers of previous years, MCQs, lab manual, etc are available for download.
Visit our java resources page to download them for free.
How to Build a Java Application in Visual Studio Code in 2021
For years, Java development has been dominated by three leading IDEs: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans. But we have other suitable opportunities. Among many talented multilingual code editors, Visual Studio Code has proven to be an outstanding product with exceptional Java support. VS Code also provides world-class support for other technology stacks, including front-end JavaScript frameworks, Node.js, and Python.
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