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Java Programming ยป IO

Character stream classes in Java with examples

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: IO. No Comments on Character stream classes in Java with examples

The character stream or textual I/O classes deals with reading characters or writing characters to a target or destination stream. They can be used for reading or writing characters to text-based files like XML, HTML, JSON etc.   The character stream abstract base classes are Reader and Writer. The input character stream class hierarchy is […]

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Byte stream classes in Java with examples

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: IO. No Comments on Byte stream classes in Java with examples

The byte stream or binary classes in Java are used to read and write data in the form of bytes to files like images, videos, etc. The byte stream abstract base classes are InputStream and OutputStream. The input byte stream class hierarchy is shown in the below figure.   The description of these input byte […]

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