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Java program to add two numbers

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Basic. 2 Comments on Java program to add two numbers

In this article we will learn to implement a Java program to add two numbers. A java program is provided below which reads two numbers from the user and displays their sum.   Program is as follows: import java.util.Scanner; public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter […]

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C Programming tutorial for beginners banner

C Programming Tutorial for Beginners

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C Programming. 29 Comments on C Programming Tutorial for Beginners

This C programming tutorial for beginners created by startertutorials provides all the basics of c programming language beginning from the fundamental concepts and gradually building your way to more advanced programming concepts.   About C Language Now, let’s learn some basic things about C programming language.   C is one of the most widely used […]

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Exception Handling in C++ Programming

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C++ Programming. No Comments on Exception Handling in C++ Programming

This article provides a comprehensive overview of exception handling in C++ programming language along with example programs.   Introduction In programming, it is common for programmers to make mistakes which leads to abnormal conditions called as errors. In general, these errors are of three types: 1) Syntax errors, 2) Logical errors, and 3) Run-time errors. […]

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File Handling in C++ Programming

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C++ Programming. No Comments on File Handling in C++ Programming

This article provides a comprehensive overview of file handling in C++ programming language along with example programs.   Introduction A file is a collection of related data stored on a disk. It is advantageous to work with data stored in files rather than working with data given from keyboard due to following reasons: It is […]

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C++ Tutorial with Examples

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C++ Programming. 23 Comments on C++ Tutorial with Examples

A well written C++ tutorial which covers all the fundamentals of the language. C++ is a high-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup.     Intended Audience: Anyone who is new to programming or for people who know other programming languages and want to try out C++. Note: Entire C++ tutorial is divided into several sections. Each […]

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Polymorphism in C++ Programming

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C++ Programming. No Comments on Polymorphism in C++ Programming

This article provides a comprehensive overview of polymorphism in C++ programming language. Concepts like virtual functions, pure virtual functions and others are covered with example programs.   Introduction Polymorphism is one of the key features of object orientation. It means many forms or single interface multiple implementations. Polymorphism is of two types: 1) Compile-time polymorphism […]

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Inheritance in C++ Programming

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C++ Programming. No Comments on Inheritance in C++ Programming

This article provides a comprehensive overview of inheritance in C++ programming language along with relevant example programs.   Introduction One of the main advantages of object oriented programming is reusability. Using already existing code is known as reusability. C++ supports reusability through inheritance which is creating a new class from already existing class.   Inheritance […]

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Operator overloading in C++

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C++ Programming. No Comments on Operator overloading in C++

This article provides a comprehensive overview of operator overloading in C++ programming language along with example programs.   Introduction   The feature of C++ which allows programmers to redefine the meaning of operators to make them work with classes and objects is operator overloading.   While evaluating expressions, C++ compiler checks whether the operands are […]

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Constructors and Destructors in C++

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: C++ Programming. No Comments on Constructors and Destructors in C++

This article provides a comprehensive overview of constructors and destructors in C++ programming language along with example programs.   Introduction Until now in our C++ programs, we are initializing the data members of a class by creating one or more member functions and passing values as parameters to those functions. We know that C++ considers […]

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