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Java program for demonstrating file I/O

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: IO. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating file I/O

Aim To write a program for demonstrating file IO using Java.   Theory Almost all programs in Java require some input which is processed by the program and generates some output. Java provides an API in the form of packages namely, and java.nio for dealing with I/O.   Both these packages contain various classes […]

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Java program for demonstrating multithreading

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Threads. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating multithreading

Aim To write a program for demonstrating multithreading using Java.   Theory A thread is a separate flow of execution in a program. All Java programs by default contain a single thread called the “Main thread”. A thread contains a set of statements like a method in Java. The difference between thread and a method […]

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Java program for demonstrating exception handling

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Exception Handling. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating exception handling

Aim To write a program for demonstrating exception handling using Java.   Theory Exception An abnormal condition that occurs at run-time or a run-time error is known as an exception.   Exception Handling Handling exceptions is known as exception handling. Instead of letting the program crash (terminate abnormally) when an error occurs at run-time, we […]

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Java program for demonstrating packages

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Packages. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating packages

Aim To write a program for demonstrating packages using Java.   Theory A package is a group of related classes. A package is used to restrict access to a class and to create namespaces. If all reasonable class names are already used, then we can create a new package (new namespace) and reuse the class […]

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Java program for demonstrating inheritance and method overriding

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Inheritance. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating inheritance and method overriding

Aim To write a program for demonstrating inheritance and method overriding.   Theory Inheritance Inheritance is defined as: Deriving properties and behavior of one class to another class. The class from which things are derived is known as super class and the class in to which things are derived to is known as sub class. […]

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Java program for demonstrating methods and method overloading

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Basic. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating methods and method overloading

Aim To write a program for demonstrating methods and method overloading.   Theory One of the ways through which Java supports polymorphism is overloading. It can be defined as creating two or more methods in the same class sharing a common name but different number of parameters or different types of parameters.   You should […]

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Java program for demonstrating constructors

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Basic. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating constructors

Aim To write a program for demonstrating constructors.   Theory A constructor is a special method which has the same name as class name and that is used to initialize the objects (fields of an object) of a class. A constructor has the following characteristics: Constructor has the same name as the class in which […]

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Java program for demonstrating data types, variables, operators, arrays, and control structures

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Basic. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating data types, variables, operators, arrays, and control structures

Aim To write a program for demonstrating data types, variables, operators, arrays, and control structures in Java.   Theory Data Types A data type specifies the type of value a variable can store or the type of an expression. Java is a strongly typed language means that you should specify the type of a variable […]

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Program for demonstrating the basic structure of a Java program

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Basic. No Comments on Program for demonstrating the basic structure of a Java program

Aim To write a program for demonstrating the basic structure of a Java program.   Theory A Java program is a collection of one or more classes, in which, one class contains the main method. Before looking at the structure of a Java program, let’s see the structure of a Java class. Structure of a […]

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Security Requirements and Security Solutions for IoT

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: IoT. No Comments on Security Requirements and Security Solutions for IoT

Security Requirements Five functional components of security are defined in IoT reference architecture: Identity Management (IDM) Authentication Authorisation Key Exchange and Management (KEM) Trust and Reputation   Layer 1 Security Attack Solution Security depends on the devices and technology used.   Security solution for BLE at link-level is AES-CCM 128 authenticated encryption algorithm for confidentiality […]

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