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Java program to check if a given character is vowel or consonant

Categories: Basic. No Comments on Java program to check if a given character is vowel or consonant

Post Views: 12 In this article we will learn to implement a Java program to check if a given character is vowel or consonant. Following Java program reads a character from the user and prints out whether it is a vowel or not: import java.util.Scanner; public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { […]

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Java program to find the largest of three numbers

Categories: Computer Science. No Comments on Java program to find the largest of three numbers

Post Views: 15 In this article we will learn to implement a Java program to find the largest of three numbers. A Java program is provided below which reads three numbers from the user and prints the largest number among them.   Program is as follows: import java.util.Scanner; public class Driver { public static void […]

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Java program to compute the sum of digits in a given integer

Categories: Basic. No Comments on Java program to compute the sum of digits in a given integer

Post Views: 15 In this article we will learn to implement a java program to compute the sum of digits in a given integer. A java program is provided below which reads a number from the user and prints out the sum of individual digits in the given number. For example, if the given number […]

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Java program to print Fibonacci series up to n terms

Categories: Basic. No Comments on Java program to print Fibonacci series up to n terms

Post Views: 19 In this article we will learn to implement a Java program to print Fibonacci series up to n terms. A java program is provided below which accepts the number of terms to display in the Fibonacci series and prints it:   Program is as follows: import java.util.Scanner; public class Driver { public […]

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C Programming tutorial for beginners banner

C Programming Tutorial for Beginners

Categories: C Programming. 29 Comments on C Programming Tutorial for Beginners

Post Views: 106 This C programming tutorial for beginners created by startertutorials provides all the basics of c programming language beginning from the fundamental concepts and gradually building your way to more advanced programming concepts.   About C Language Now, let’s learn some basic things about C programming language.   C is one of the […]

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Exception Handling in C++ Programming

Categories: C++ Programming. No Comments on Exception Handling in C++ Programming

Post Views: 62 This article provides a comprehensive overview of exception handling in C++ programming language along with example programs.   Introduction In programming, it is common for programmers to make mistakes which leads to abnormal conditions called as errors. In general, these errors are of three types: 1) Syntax errors, 2) Logical errors, and […]

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