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Troubleshooting Common Shared Hosting Problems

Guest Author Categories: Hosting. No Comments on Troubleshooting Common Shared Hosting Problems

We all know that shared hosting is cost-effective and one of the ideal web hosting with cPanel, which offers beginners a fantastic platform to launch their online business.     However, since it’s the basic web hosting solution, unlike robust services such as Node.js hosting server, it can come with a few issues. To ensure […]

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CAP Theorem and Blockchain

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Blockchain. No Comments on CAP Theorem and Blockchain

The CAP theorem, also known as Brewer’s theorem, was introduced by Eric Brewer in 1998 as a conjecture. It states that any distributed system cannot have consistency, availability, and partition tolerance simultaneously.   Consistency is a property that ensures that all nodes in a distributed system have a single, current, and identical copy of the […]

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Consensus in Blockchain Technology

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Blockchain. No Comments on Consensus in Blockchain Technology

Consensus is a process of achieving agreement between distrusting nodes on the final state of data. To achieve consensus, different algorithms are used. The process of attaining agreement on a common state or value among multiple nodes despite the failure of some nodes is known as distributed consensus.   Consensus is the backbone of a […]

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Types of Blockchain

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Blockchain. No Comments on Types of Blockchain

In this article we will discuss different types of blockchain based on its evolution and usage. The categorization of blockchains is illustrated in the figure below:   Distributed Ledgers A distributed ledger is a shared database. All blockchains technically fall under distributed ledgers. But, all distributed ledgers are not blockchains. A critical difference between a […]

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Basics of Blockchain Technology

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Blockchain. No Comments on Basics of Blockchain Technology

In this article we will learn the basic concepts of blockchain technology like what is a blockchain? the blockchain architecture and how does a blockchain work?   In 2008, a groundbreaking paper, entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, was written on the topic of peer-to-peer e-cash under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. It introduced […]

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History of Blockchain and Bitcoin

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Blockchain. No Comments on History of Blockchain and Bitcoin

Blockchain was introduced with the invention of Bitcoin in 2008. Its practical implementation then occurred in 2009. We will look at a chronological order of early history and computer networks and how they evolved and contributed to the development of Bitcoin in 2008. The order of events is: 1960s – Invention of computer networks 1969 […]

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The Growth of Blockchain Technology

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Blockchain. No Comments on The Growth of Blockchain Technology

The emergence of Bitcoin in 2008, introduced to the world a new technology called blockchain which promised to revolutionize the entire society. Blockchain is the technology behind the success of Bitcoin.   Blockchain is a technology that has an impact on current technologies and has the ability to transform them at a fundamental level.   […]

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Object Oriented Programming through Java Lab Programs and Tutorial Videos

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Java. No Comments on Object Oriented Programming through Java Lab Programs and Tutorial Videos

This article provides links to all Object Oriented Programming through Java lab programs. Many of the lab programs are provided with textual links as well as video links to support a wide range of audience.   Software required to conduct/perform these OOP through Java lab programs is JDK 8 or higher.   I request you […]

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Java program for demonstrating layout managers

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: GUI. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating layout managers

Aim To write a program for demonstrating layout managers using Java.   Theory Java provides javax.swing package which does not need any help of the native operating system for creating GUI controls. Hence programs created using swings are portable.   Swings offers the following features: Lightweight Components: The components created using swings package doesn’t need […]

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Java program for demonstrating network programming

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Networking. No Comments on Java program for demonstrating network programming

Aim To write a program for demonstrating network programming using Java.   Theory Client-Server communication model One of the widely used way of communication across the Internet is the client-server communication. In this communication model, there is a system called server which always listens for connections from clients. Once a connection has been established, the […]

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