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Java program to reverse the array inplace

Categories: Arrays. 2 Comments on Java program to reverse the array inplace

In this article we will learn to implement a Java program to reverse the array. A Java program is provided below which reverses an array in-place (without using extra memory).   Following program reads an array of elements and reverses the array in place i.e., without using any temporary array: import java.util.Scanner; public class Driver […]

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Java program to find the maximum and minimum value of an array

Categories: Arrays. No Comments on Java program to find the maximum and minimum value of an array

In this article we will learn to implement a Java program to find the maximum and minimum value of an array. A java program is provided below which reads array elements from the user and finds out the maximum, minimum elements in the array.   Program is as follows: import java.util.Scanner; public class Driver { […]

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Java program for matrix multiplication and matrix transpose

Categories: Arrays. No Comments on Java program for matrix multiplication and matrix transpose

In this article we will learn to implement a Java program for matrix multiplication and matrix transpose. A Java program is provided below to check the compatibility for multiplication, if compatible, multiplies two matrices and also finds its transpose. import java.util.Scanner; class Matrix { void matrixMul(int m, int n, int p, int q) { int[][] […]

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