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C program to read and print a matrix using pointers

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Pointers. 1 Comment on C program to read and print a matrix using pointers

In this article we will learn to implement a C program to read and print a matrix using pointers. A C program is provided below to read and print a matrix using pointers and dynamic memory allocation.   Program is as follows: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int m, n; printf("Enter no. of rows and […]

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C program to reverse an array in place using pointers

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Pointers. No Comments on C program to reverse an array in place using pointers

In this article we will learn to implement a C program to reverse an array in place using pointers. A C program is provided below to reverse the given array in place using pointers. Program is as follows: #include<stdio.h> void reversearray(int *p, int n) { int *first = p; int *last = p+n-1; while(first<last) { […]

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C program to compare two arrays using pointers

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Pointers. No Comments on C program to compare two arrays using pointers

In this article we will learn to implement a C program to compare two arrays using pointers. A C program is provided below for reading two arrays and comparing them using pointers.   Program is as follows: /* * C program to compare two arrays using pointers * Author: P.S.SuryaTeja */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> […]

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C program to reverse the given string using a pointer

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Pointers. No Comments on C program to reverse the given string using a pointer

In this article we will learn to implement a C program to reverse the given string using a pointer. A C program is provided below for reversing a given string using a pointer.   Program is as follows: /* * C program to reverse a given string using pointers * Author: P.S.SuryaTeja */ #include <stdio.h> […]

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