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Cpp program to create a function template to swap two numbers

Categories: Templates. No Comments on Cpp program to create a function template to swap two numbers

In this article we will learn to implement a Cpp program to create a function template to swap two numbers. A C++ program is provided below to create a function template for swapping.   Program is as follows: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T> void swapme(T &x, T &y) { T temp = x; […]

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CPP program to create a function template for power of a number

Categories: Templates. No Comments on CPP program to create a function template for power of a number

In this article we will learn to implement a CPP program to create a function template for power of a number. A C++ program is provided below to create a function template for calculating power of a number.   Program is as follows: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; template<class T> void power(T x, […]

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CPP program to illustrate member function template

Categories: Templates. No Comments on CPP program to illustrate member function template

In this article we will learn to implement a CPP program to illustrate member function template. A C++ program is provided below to illustrate member function template.   Program is as follows: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Adder { public: template<class T1, class T2> void add(T1 x, T2 y) { cout<<"Sum is: "<<(x+y)<<endl; } […]

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CPP program to illustrate class template with multiple parameters

Categories: Templates. No Comments on CPP program to illustrate class template with multiple parameters

In this article we will learn to implement a CPP program to illustrate class template with multiple parameters. A C++ program is provided below to demonstrate a template class with multiple parameters.   Program is as follows: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T1, class T2> class Adder { private: T1 x; T2 y; public: […]

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