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AJWT mid 2 descriptive exam paper

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Mid Papers. No Comments on AJWT mid 2 descriptive exam paper

AJWT descriptive paper for academic year 2013-14 1. a) What is HTML? What are differences between HTML and HTTP? What are the essential or fundamental HTML tags in a web page? [5] b) Create a webpage containing a registration form with the following fields: i. Name ii. Father name iii. Gender iv. Languages known v. […]

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AJWT mid 1 descriptive exam paper

Suryateja Pericherla Categories: Mid Papers. No Comments on AJWT mid 1 descriptive exam paper

AJWT descriptive paper for academic year 2013-14 1. a) What is HTML? What are differences between HTML and HTTP? What are the essential or fundamental HTML tags in a web page? [5] b) Create a web page using frames which contains two columns. The left frame contains five hyperlinks namely: books, pens, watches, bags and […]

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